I have always been fascinated with film. This curiosity led me to experimenting with videography, editing, sound design, screenwriting and more.

These skills have served as my foundation for becoming a UX/UI Designer.


Glen Oak Country Club

As a freelance videographer and editor, I was contracted to create a promotional video for the country club to be used on their website.

The response to this project was incredible. It was shared all over social media by members of the club and totaled +5,000 views on the clients website.

I shot the footage on my drone and did all post-production and graphics through Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop, & After Effects.


Hentges Home

A similar contracted project.


Waupaca, Wisconsin

A personal video of an extended family vacation home.


Rockin’ Jump

Contracted promotional video which was used for online advertising.


Australia / New Zealand

Personal project of my time “studying” abroad.